
You don’t need an RPO or new ATS!

You don’t need an RPO or new ATS…. Ask your team members how to make things better!

I have been attending a lot of HR networking events recently and I keep hearing the same stories.

“Things aren’t working, we’re thinking of implementing a new ATS”

“Things aren’t working, we’re not hitting our targets, we’re thinking of outsourcing the whole function to an RPO, and they can clean up the mess”


These solutions seem to be what HR Directors go to, when they aren’t sure how to improve things.

A new ATS or system is not going to solve the ingrained inefficiencies and wasted energy of your Human Beings and HR stakeholders

An RPO will bring the efficiencies and best practice, but will cost an awful lot of money, and is a big change for your hiring managers.

I’m about to save you an awful lot of money, time and stress!

Step 1) Get a selection of your managers, recruiters and HR stakeholders in a room

Step 2) ask them what they want from a recruitment or HR process

Step 3) ask them how they think it could be improved

Step 4) make the changes and map them

Step 5) Measure the changes

A couple of tweaks to a process can save a lot of time and hugely improve a candidates or hiring manager’s experience. If this doesn’t work then feel free to spend £££££ of a new system…. try and fix it yourself first.

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